Our Research Consortium
The joint project "food4future - food of the future" is coordinated at the Leibniz Institute of Vegetable and Ornamental Crops (IGZ).

Prof. Dr. Monika Schreiner is the head of the Plant Quality & Nutritional Security program area at the Leibniz Institute of Vegetable and Ornamental Crops (IGZ) and is an honorary professor at the University of Hannover. She is involved in understanding and influencing plant secondary metabolism with the aim of optimizing it for human nutrition. She is coordinator of the food4future consortium and involved in the project "Macroalgae and Halophytes". Furthermore, she is coordinator at the central coordination unit of the overarching funding line "Agricultural Systems of the Future".

Dr. Babette Regierer is deputy coordinator of Prof. Monika Schreiner and supports the work of the food4future office. She has worked in scientific management for more than twenty years and brings her expertise in strategy development, network management, communication and knowledge transfer to the research network. She is particularly committed to positioning food4future in the national and international research space.

Julia Vogt works as project manager of the research network at the Leibniz Institute of Vegetable and Ornamental Crops (IGZ). After studying biochemistry, she first worked as a molecular biologist at the University of Potsdam before switching to science management. She supports the coordination in all aspects of management and is the contact person for your inquiries about food4future.
The food4future network coordination is supported by four research field leaders:

Prof. Dr. Susanne Baldermann
PI | Leader Research Field I | Organisms
T +49 (0) 33701 78 241
Prof. Dr. Susanne Baldermann is head of the working group "Food Chemistry and Nutrition" in the program area "Plant Quality and Food Security" at the Leibniz Institute of Vegetable and Ornamental Crops (IGZ). She is associated with the Institute of Nutritional Science, Chair of Food Chemistry at the University of Potsdam. Her scientific focus lays on the analysis of secondary metabolism in plant foods and its importance for food quality. In food4future she leads the research field "Organisms".

Prof. Dr. Christian Dreyer
PI | Leader Research Field II | Urban Bio Spaces
T +49 (0) 3375 2152-280
Prof. Dr. Christian Dreyer is deputy head of the research area Polymer Materials and Composites PYCO at the Fraunhofer Institute for Applied Polymer Research IAP and professor for fiber composite material technologies at the Technical University of Wildau. In addition to developing new fiber composite lightweight materials, his work focuses on researching alternative hardening methods for reactive resins using UV radiation and microwaves. At food4future, he is project leader for the research area PYCO as well as work field leader for the Urban Bio Spaces.

Dr. Egbert Gedat
PI | Leader Research Field III | Smart Nutrition & Sensor Technology
T +49 (0) 3375 508-617
Dr. Egbert Gedat holds a PhD in natural sciences with background in physical chemistry, experimental magnetic resonance imaging and medical imaging. He has been working in the Telematics Research Group at TH Wildau for five years, focusing on the recognition and interpretation of digital image information using computer algorithms. Both classical methods and artificial intelligence are used here. In Food4Future, these methods are to be extended to the evaluation of body sensor data and used to generate nutritional suggestions.

Prof. Dr. Tilman Brück
PI | Leader Research Field IV | Social Science Analysis
T +49 (0) 33701 78-124
Prof. Dr. Tilman Brück heads the research group "Economic Development and Nutritional Security" at the Leibniz Institute of Vegetable and Ornamental Crops (IGZ) in Großbeeren near Berlin. He is also Visiting Professor at the London School of Economics and co-founder and co-director of the Households in Conflict Network (www.hicn.org) and coordinator of the Home Gardens for Resilience and Recovery (HG4RR) Network. His research examines the behavior, nutritional security, and welfare of poor and vulnerable households in conflict, fragile, and humanitarian settings. Prof. Tilman Brück holds a PhD in economics from the University of Oxford.
food2innovation Forum
The food2innovation Forum advises the consortium and supports the transfer of food4future innovations into application:
Leibniz Centre for Tropical Marine Research ZMT | Scientific Director
The funding Programme
food4future is part of the BMBF funding line "Agricultural Systems of the Future", in which eight consortia are researching the development of innovative solutions for the agricultural industry.