Coordination and Management
In food4future (f4f), more than 10 partner institutions from science and industry work closely together. To ensure the smooth running of the joint project, the f4f office was established at the Leibniz Institute of Vegetable and Ornamental Crops (IGZ). It is responsible for the coordination of the research network and overarching management tasks.
These tasks include administrative tasks such as project monitoring and controlling or reporting, the organisation of events and status seminars, and above all communication.
This includes several levels:
- Internal communication with partners and members of the food2innovation forum (advisory board)
- Cooperation with the Central Coordination Office "Agricultural Systems of the Future" and the other seven consortia of the funding line
- Expert information (including public relations, networking with projects and initiatives)
Social dialogue on the topic of future food is a particular concern of ours, which is why we have already developed and implemented a wide range of innovative formats in the course of the project.
Leibniz Institute of Vegetable and Ornamental Crops (IGZ)
Theodor-Echtermeyer-Weg 1
14979 Großbeeren
Project duration
March 2019 - February 2024
Interaction with f4f and associated partners
ADM Wild Europe GmbH & Co. KG, InnoMat GmbH, Osram Opto Semiconductors GmbH

Prof. Dr. Monika Schreiner is head of the programme area Plant Quality & Food Security at the Leibniz Institute of Vegetable and Ornamental Crops (IGZ) and is an honorary professor at the University of Hannover. She is concerned with the study and influencing of secondary plant metabolism with the aim of optimizing it for human nutrition. She is coordinator of the food4future consortium and involved in the project "Macroalgae and Halophytes". In addition, she is the coordinator of the central coordination office of the overarching funding line Agricultural Systems of the Future.

Dr. Babette Regierer is deputy to the coordinator Prof. Monika Schreiner and supports the work of the food4future office. She has been working in scientific management for more than twenty years and brings her expertise in strategy development, network management, communication and knowledge transfer to the research network. She is particularly committed to positioning food4future in the national and international research area.

Susann Pophal works as a project manager for science communication at the Leibniz Institute for Vegetable and Ornamental Crops (IGZ). She studied process and quality management in agriculture and horticulture at the Humbold University of Berlin and developed a strong interest in how science is communicated and communicated to target groups. In food4future, Susann Pophal focuses on public relations, especially on the communication of project topics on social media.
Psarianos M., Fricke A., Ojha S., Baldermann S., Schreiner M., Schlüter O.K. (2022) Effect of Narrowband UV-B Irradiation on the Growth Performance of House Crickets (Foods)
Preiss M., Vogt J. H.-M., Dreher C., Schreiner M. (2022). Trends Shaping Western European Agrifood Systems of the Future (Sustainability)
Stojetz W., Ferguson N.T.N., Baliki G., Díaz O.,Elfes J., Esenaliev D., Freudenreich H., Koebach A., Abreu L., Peitz L., Todua A., Schreiner M., Hoeffler A., Justino P., Brück T. (2022). The Life with Corona survey (Social Science & Medicine)
Fitzner M, Fricke A, Schreiner M, Baldermann S. (2021) Utilization of Regional Natural Brines for the Indoor Cultivation of Salicornia europaea. Sustainability. 13(21):12105.
Albers, P.; Vogt J.; Regierer B.; Schreiner, M. (2020) Bioökonomische Innovationen für eine nachhaltige Agrarproduktion. Wasser und Abfall 7-8/2020.