Panel discussion BE-U Behrensufer BERLIN DESIGN WEEK

The future of sustainable nutrition in cities: The food trends of tomorrow

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On Tuesday, April 30th, project coordinator Prof. Dr. Monika Schreiner from the Leibniz Institute for Vegetable and Ornamental Plant Production took part in a panel discussion entitled "The future of sustainable nutrition in cities" as part of the program for BERLIN DESIGN WEEK at the BE-U Behrens-Ufer.

Natalie Maria Tacke, in her role as Head of food LAB, led the discussion with expertise and charming charm. Along with Sarah Decoine, Tim Fronzek, Joern Gutowski, and Lidia Fabian, Prof. Dr. Monika Schreiner discussed how nutrition trends in urban areas will evolve in the future and what role sustainability aspects will play.

The key messages and takeaway from this successful discussion:

  • An urgent need to promote plant-based nutrition without waiting for a cultural shift or generational change.
  • A crucial improvement in the product quality of meatless alternatives is necessary to integrate them into food production.
  • Sustainable and future-oriented circular economy, with drinking water playing a very important role.
  • Networking, dialogue promotion, and collaboration between companies and startups are essential.
  • Early involvement of scientists and politicians to avoid bottlenecks such as regulations for novel foods in Europe.

After the discussion, attendees were offered the opportunity to exchange ideas. Networking could continue, and delicious snacks from BettaFish and Zeevi could be enjoyed during the event.

The food4future team exchanged ideas with Valeriya Denisova (Master's student at the University of Potsdam) and several students from the University of Applied Sciences for Engineering and Economics (HTW) about future projects and they all together learned about Lena Jacobi's impressive master presentation titled "Designing planet responsible futures - a master thesis on food, design, and futures." It was really fun with you! We say thank you!

A huge thank you goes to Natalie Maria Tacke and the entire team for the smooth organization and implementation of this valuable and interesting event.