Federal government report on nutrition policy, food and feed safety

Healthy, sustainable and safe nutrition

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Cover Ernährungspolitischer Bericht 2024

food4future and CUBES Circle in the Federal Government's Nutrition Policy Report.

On June 12, 2024, the federal government approved the third nutrition policy report “Healthy, sustainable and safe nutrition - Federal government report on nutrition policy, food and feed safety”. The report documents the basics, goals and measures of nutrition policy and consumer health protection for the period from June 2020 to May 2024.

The overall goal is to make healthy and sustainable food more accessible to everyone.

The 2024 Nutrition Policy Report shows which measures were developed and implemented to achieve the following major goals:

  • Improve nutrition and exercise habits,
  • Enable informed decisions,
  • Produce and consume sustainably,
  • Maintain and improve high levels of food and feed safety,
  • Realize the human right to adequate food worldwide and shape the transformation of agricultural and food systems.

We are very pleased that food4future and CUBES Circle as well as the NewFoodSystems innovation space are highlighted in the report as important funding measures for the development of scientific foundations for sustainable food systems.

Text in the report:

"As part of the BMBF funding measure "Agricultural Systems of the Future", innovative key technologies - such as digitalization, AI and high-tech - are being developed or integrated into holistic system concepts for novel, sustainable food systems in eight interdisciplinary collaborative projects. The necessary actors along The value chains network in order to achieve an intelligent connection of processes, the consideration of material cycles, sustainability goals, environmental and climate issues as well as regional and location-specific conditions in new agricultural and food systems. This is particularly addressed in the “Food4Future” and “Cubes Circle” networks , which use innovative technologies to develop alternative, particularly space-efficient production systems. These approaches use and combine well-known, but also alternative model organisms, such as aquaculture and hydroculture , which can be a novel source of food, proteins, fats and carbohydrates."

For further information and to read the full report, please visit the Federal Ministry of Food and Agriculture website (you can find us on page 52).