Identification and Evaluation of Futures Options for Future Food and Identifying R & D Needs
The subproject ZUFO has a cross-sectional responsibility for all subfields of the F4F project and interconnections with all other projects. The subproject aims to develop a concretization of the future idea / vision of Future Food based on the current projects of the F4F-project and their results. This should serve as the basis for a sustainable development of the F4F project beyond the fifth year and identify the development options and their timing by the use of a roadmap.
Illustration of the Delphi process "Future Foods" (headland for food4future).
Methodologically, a multi-stage Delphi procedure is carried out within the subproject involving project-internal and external experts as well as stakeholders. In this way, it will be possible to monitor, adapt and sharpen future contents of the F4F project and its subprojects. In order to generate the questions and contents of the Delphi, the results of the other subprojects are evaluated and, if necessary, sharpened. Objectives are systematically capturing and analyzing the results of the F4F-project, developing possible elements of "Future Food", the discourse by means of a multi-stage Delphi-process with different interest groups (internal / external), timing by means of a roadmap, the identification of further R&D needs and the discourse with the (professional) public on possible elements of "Future Food".
The economic significance of the innovation sought in the subproject lies in the fact that, as a result of the knowledge gained in the subproject, future research and development projects and also possible recommendations to the funding authorities can be conducted more target-oriented. This is possible on the basis of both the already developed solutions and the imaginable solutions.
Text: M. Preiss, FUB
Freie Universität Berlin (FUB)
Professur für Innovationsmanagement
Thielallee 73
14195 Berlin
wiwiss.fu-berlin.de, Innovation Management
Project duration
March 2021 - February 2024
Interaction with f4f and associated partners
All f4f- and associated partners

Univ.-Prof. Dr. Carsten Dreher is head of the Chair of Innovation Management at Freie Universität Berlin (FUB). His research focuses on operational innovation behavior, technology dynamics and strategic technology management. Within the food4future project he is responsible for the analysis of the areas of participation and "future food".

Delia Mangelkramer is a research fellow at the Chair of Innovation Management at Freie Universität Berlin. Her areas of research are conducting Delphi studies to explore future options under expert opinions. In the context of food4future, she represents the interface between the different projects in the sub-project ZUFO and is responsible for the vision sharpening of "Future Food".
Mangelkramer D. (2022). Addressing responsibility in innovation processes for sustainability: Lessons for responsible management of sustainable innovation form a systematic literature review. (Frontiers in Research Metrics and Analytics)