Participation of the Public in Research Projects with Different Time Horizons
The development of an innovative new agricultural system can only be successful in the long term if it is characterized by a certain robustness. Participation promises to fulfil this function for the social component. Various and diverse positive effects are currently attributed to participation of the public which has become mandatory in many research and innovation projects. However, many questions about participation are unanswered, especially when it comes to projects with very long-term horizons. Under what conditions and when is participation in projects with different time horizons useful and which parts of the public (citizens, stakeholders, experts etc.) add value within participative processes?
Here, acceptance research is reaching its limits because this discourse has to be focused on possible, probable and desirable futures - while considering the unknowingness of future needs. The latter are associated with great uncertainties and non-knowledge i.e. the lack of concrete ideas - in science as well as in public. Innovation processes have become more complex, in particular a high increase in communication and interaction is apparent. The starting point are promises of the future potentials and risks of innovation and subsequently leads to expectations based interpretations by the public.
The overall objective of the subproject is to investigate the usefulness and effectiveness of various methods for participation of the public in research projects with different time horizons.
Text: M. Preiss, FUB
Freie Universität Berlin (FUB)
Professur für Innovationsmanagement
Thielallee 73
14195 Berlin
Website, Innovation Management
Project duration
March 2019 - February 2022
Interaction with f4f and associated partners

Univ.-Prof. Dr. Carsten Dreher is head of the Chair of Innovation Management at Freie Universität Berlin (FUB). His research focuses on operational innovation behavior, technology dynamics and strategic technology management. Within the food4future project he is responsible for the analysis of the areas of participation and "future food".

Madita Amoneit is psychologist and research associate at the Chair of Innovation Management at Freie Universität Berlin. In the food4future project "Participation of the Public in Research Projects with Different Time Horizons", she investigates the influence and impact of participation of the (expert) public in research projects. In particular, she is responsible for the second round of the food4future “Mitmach-Experiment” and supervises various studies within the project.

Myriam Preiss
Former Staff Member
Preiss M., Vogt J. H.-M., Dreher C., Schreiner M. (2022). Trends Shaping Western European Agrifood Systems of the Future (Sustainability)