Smart Nutrition & Wearable Sensors und Digitization II
The novel forms of nutrition developed in food4future should be recommended and offered to consumers in an optimized form. Therefore, it is necessary to recognize the consumer’s current individual nutritional status. In this project, a type and condition asessment of consumers will be realized on the basis of sensor data and a phenotypical classification. This will be implementd initially on subjects within the framework of a nutrition study. Modern sensor technologies such as smartwatches or portable sensors provide a multitude of data. These data are going to be used in a process of machine learning to classify their wearer at a specific point in time. On the basis of physiological-medical phenotyping and correlated nutritional requirements, specific food suggestions will be given. The applied sensors record body data using non-invasive methods and should restrict the participants as little as possible. The selection of suitable sensors and the development of a suitable sensor system is also part of this project.
The food4future "Study Companion App" is used in the human study to test the extent to which non-invasive sensors can replace classic nutritional recording methods.
Out of the findings of the study, we will develop a mobile application (app) for end users, which on one hand generates food suggestions based on 'smart foods' developed by food4future and on local food offers on the other hand. In consultation with the research fields within food4future, the composition and presentation of the designed food is determined. Nutritional information of the local food is taken from commercial nutrition facts labels. All sensor data and, if necessary, additional user images and inputs will be available on a central server for further analysis.
A change desired by users, e.g. a slimmer figure or a more athletic appearance, is evaluated in a model study with previously defined objectives for the test persons. As an example, if the user desires a weight reduction, the app will then suggest a protein-rich diet. The system should then learn which forms of nutrition is successful. The target input can be supplemented by the possibility to determine person-specific preferred or rejected food. The result is a communication system that grows in time and involves the end user in the decision-making process according to his preferences.
In the later course of the project, the system should be able to independently measure the quality of its given suggestions through the establishment of feed-backed continuous learning with self-correction. To this end, the mobile measurement systems will be interconnected as part of an Internet of Things (IoT) architecture. By correlating the time course of the phenotype classification with the food recommendation, the effect of the recommended products on the test persons is included and improved during operation by algorithms of machine learning.
Text: P. Wagner, E. Gedat, TH Wildau
Technical University of Applied Sciences- research group telematics (TH Wildau)
Hochschulring 1
15745 Wildau
Website, Forschungsgruppe Telematik
Project duration
March 2020 - February 2024
Interaction with f4f and other partners

Egbert Gedat holds a doctorate in natural sciences with a background in physical chemistry, experimental magnetic resonance imaging and medical image processing. He has been working for five years in the telematics research group of the TH Wildau and deals with the recognition and interpretation of digital image information using computer algorithms. Both classical methods and artificial intelligence are used. In food4future, these methods will be extended to the evaluation of body sensor data and used to generate dietary suggestions.

Philipp Wagner is a researcher in the Telematics Research Group at the University of Applied Sciences Wildau (“TH Wildau”). As an engineer for information and communication technologies, he is engaged in networked systems and the development of mobile and server software applications. As part of the Food4Future project, he is developing an IT system for the acquisition and processing of body sensor and input data, which will enable an AI-based generation of individual food recommendations.
Henning T, Wagner P, Gedat E, Kochlik, B; Kusch P, Sowoidnich K, Vastag M, Gleim, J, Braune M; Maiwald M, Sumpf B, Grune T, Weber D. (2023). Evaluation of Modern Approaches for the Assessment of Dietary Carotenoids as Markers for Fruit and Vegetable Consumption. (Nutrients).